Invited Plenary Speeches

Keynote A : Seeing Around Corners: Using TRIZ & AI To Spot Industry Inflection Points Before They Happen

By: Prof. Darrell Mann, Systematic Innovation Network
Keynote B : Developing Innovations in Electronics and Software Using TRIZ with AI Interactions

By: Oleg Feygenson, PhD, TRIZ Master
Principal Engineer, Global Technology Research,
Samsung Electronics, Suwon, South Korea.
President, the International TRIZ Association, MATRIZ Official
Keynote C : TRIZ and Creativity Future in the AI Era

By: Alla Zusman, TRIZ Master
Director of TRIZ Products Development
Invited Special Talk: AI-Powered Innovation Consulting: Shaping Strategies with Innovation Logic
By: Simon Dewulf, CEO PROFUN.AI
Invited Special Talk: Parameter Deployment and Manipulation: an overarching approach for identifying and solving contradictions
By: Professor D. Daniel Sheu
President, the Society of Systematic Innovation
Editor-in-chief, the International Journal of Systematic Innovation