Conference Theme: AI + IM: Intelligent Innovation Methods
Dates: July 26-27, 2025 (On-site & On-line Meetings)
Conference Venue: Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
- International Society of Innovation Methods (I-SIM) (Sponsor)
- The Society of Systematic Innovation (SSI)
- Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Supporting journal for publications:
- Int. J. of Systematic Innovation (IJoSI) (SCOPUS and Google Scholar indexed)
Conference features:
- Optional paper competition and excellent paper presentations will be selected for awards recognized in the international arena.
- In-scope awarded full papers will be recommended for review toward journal paper publication in the IJoSI. Review efforts will be for the improvements of paper quality.
- Free-pre-conference tour: International registrants can enjoy a one-day free tour of Xi’an cultural & scenary sites including Ancient Cultural City of Xi’an. Xi’an has several thousands years of history which has many tourist sites including Terracotta Army which is one of the eight wonders of the world.
- State-of-the-art forward-thinking keynotes, tutorials, and invited special speeches by world-class speakers.
- GCSI provides an excellent platform and global recognition for your outstanding innovation projects in the International Arena.
- ICSI provide excellent networking opportunities for researchers and practitioners to learn from one another and world-leading experts in the field related to innovation methods.
- Open plenary talk. If you have something non-promotional and highly valuable to the general audience, you can send a detail proposal to apply for an up-to-30-minute Special Talk. Spots are limited.
Important due dates:
Paper Abstracts & GCSI Project Briefing | May 15, 2025 |
Acceptance notification | May 31, 2025 |
Early-bird Registration due | June 15, 2025 |
Full Papers/presentation due | June 15, 2025 |
TOPICS OF INTERESTS (include but not limited to)
- Innovation Methods for applications in Strategy, Business, Service, Products, Processes and Equipment, etc.
- Innovation methods for Intellectual Property analysis and applications.
- Education of systematic product/process/service innovations & innovation methods
- TRIZ-based opportunity identification and problem solving: theories and applications.
- Open and collaborative innovation;
- Data driven innovation
- Integration of Innovation Methods with Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Design/Manufacturing/Services, or Computer-Aided Innovation (CAI)
- Other new technologies, theories, applications, equipment, tools and trends that are related to or can be integrated with systematic innovation
- Submit an abstract or extended abstract for evaluation including main ideas and contributions in for preliminary evaluation. Please download and follow the templates provided on the website for abstract/paper/presentation files. Direct submission of full papers for evaluation are welcome. The ICSI conference accepts a full paper, a presentation file, or a full paper plus a presentation file as final submissions. Full papers should be in WORD format, and presentation files in Power Point format.
- Only timely full-paper submissions are eligible to participate in the Paper Competition. To participate in the paper competition, choose the paper competition option and select appropriate category in the on-line registration process. An international Judge Committee will double-blind review the papers for awards.
A concurrent event, the 15th Global Competition on Systematic Innovation (GCSI), will hold its final round of project competition in one of the special sessions of the ICSI conference. The goals of this GCSI exhibition are to promote systematic innovation and help the dissemination of innovation results. Multiple Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze medals and certificates will be awarded. ICSI participants can attend the project presentations and demonstrations free of charge. The Judge Committee reserves the right to adjust the number of awardees based on the quality of the projects. For details see (Available after February 1, 2025)